Classes announced for promoting safe police encounters

The new year will bring new opportunity for people living with disabilities to learn how to have safer interactions with police officers.

Dale Rogers Training Center (DRTC) and IDD Safe’s joint venture, Safety and Police Encounters, will launch its first cohort of virtual classes February 4, 2025.

Virtual classes feature 10 weekly sessions with law enforcement instructors who will facilitate discussion and answer questions relating to the five-badge course covering the following:

  • You and the police
  • Being safe with police
  • Proper identification
  • Your rights
  • Police encounters

Participants will have three months’ access to the training material featuring video tutorials and interactive elements. The ten weeks of live instruction from experienced instructors is part of an optional package.

“Many people can benefit from this training,” said DRTC Executive Director/CEO Deborah Copeland, M.Ed. “The videos do a great job explaining a person’s rights and to help prepare them for what can be a stressful situation.”

Ret. Lt. Stan Campbell and Ret. Sgt. Rob High, both retired Oklahoma City Police Department officers, co-founded IDD Safe to deliver de-escalation training for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

“Safety is the utmost priority,” said IDD Co-founder Lt. Campbell. “These trainings explain what an officer is looking for and how people can respond to increase the chances of favorable outcomes during police encounters,” said IDD Co-founder Lt. Campbell.

LearningQ, an accessible learning platform, developed the multi-unit certification. Pre-registration is available at

Dale Rogers Training Center (DRTC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, leads a more disability-inclusive workforce and community. With multiple locations in Oklahoma, DRTC trains, serves or employs approximately 1,000 people with disabilities per year. Visit us online:

IDD Safe is at the forefront of supporting the next evolution in de-escalation, aiming to create a platform for police and professionals to collaborate, share solutions, resources, best practices, and training ideas, all while being dedicated to protecting individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD). To learn more, visit

Providing Essential Workers During the Pandemic and Beyond

Frontline workers at DRTC (also known as Dale Rogers Training Center) have been extremely busy since the pandemic, picking up the now familiar title essential worker along the way.

DRTC holds federal contracts providing custodial at Tinker Air Force Base, the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center at FAA, US Marshals and several federal buildings in downtown Oklahoma City. Chances are, if you’ve passed through these areas, DRTC played a role in its upkeep—all 7.1 million square feet! In addition, DRTC provides food service through another federal contract at Tinker Air Force Base, serving a wide variety of meals to military personnel 24/7/365.

Total, DRTC employs approximately 300 at these federal contract locations. As part of these contracts through SourceAmerica®, 75% of those employees have a disability. They provide mission-support to help keep vital government and military functions running smoothly. Through innovative internal programs, DRTC provides tailored on-the-job training, job advancement and employment opportunities.

Spearheading many of these changes is DRTC Executive Director Deborah Copeland, M.Ed. Since officially stepping into her role at the beginning of 2020, Copeland has navigated the agency through the pandemic, pivoting services and programs, but never losing sight of the agency’s mission of supporting people with disabilities through employment opportunities. Additionally, Copeland has become a leading voice in disability-inclusive workplaces as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Founded in 1953, DRTC is making plans for a 70th Anniversary celebration in 2023 that will honor disability-inclusive employers. If your business needs assistance with hiring and diversifying your talent pool, we have the right applicants for your needs. DRTC’s Employment Services Program helps transition qualified applicants into new jobs throughout the metro at no additional cost to employers. We’re also a great resource for accommodations and accessibility! Learn more at

DRTC (Dale Rogers Training Center), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, promotes a more disability-inclusive workplace and community. With multiple locations in Oklahoma, DRTC trains, serves, or employs approximately 1,000 people with disabilities per year. Visit us online: