It’s All a Part of Life; From the Director

From the Director: Connie Thrash McGoodwin, M.Ed.

Connie Thrash McGoodwin


This time of year, life can be wonderful, yet also bittersweet. One true delight for me this past year here at Dale Rogers has been collaborating with such a talented staff on a daily basis. Even with the crummy economy, work has never been so much fun. The quality is in place and everything we do now is fine-tuning and going from “Good to Great.”

The bittersweet is reflecting back on the great things that happened in life this year; son loving being a Freshman at OU, two new puppies, and celebrating Jim’s and my 20th wedding anniversary. Then there are the sad ones: losing two parents, only son leaving home, the deaths of two individuals at Tinker, the passing of the family pet… and getting two new puppies (they’re like having twin toddlers with large teeth!).

Sometimes the wonderful and the sad are different aspects of the same event. The challenge is accepting and dealing with the sad but focusing on the wonderful (including the memories of those you lost). It’s all a part of what’s called life and, let’s face it, some years are just better than others. Gratitude for what we do have is essential to survive in this crazy world.

Is everything perfect at Dale Rogers? Heck no. But good people with a quality mission who keep the individuals and families they serve first can’t help but be successful. And we are ever so grateful for those who contribute to making DRTC such a special place.

Happy Holidays to You All

and a Heartfelt Thank

You for Your On-going

Support of DRTC!


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