DRTC Business Hub
In business for yourself, but not by yourself.
Individuals with disabilities are eligible to participate in the DRTC Hub. A successful candidate will possess a passion to pursue an entrepreneurial career.
DRTC is uniquely qualified and experienced in providing accessible tools to the workplace and community.
Reimagine the future:
Over 10-days, participants will engage with a variety of questions to help them develop frameworks they will use for their unique business models.
Participants will learn about best practices and methods to make their business dreams a reality.
Level 1*: Essential Access
- $60 Monthly / $720 Annually
- Includes full access to the DRTC Hub Portal
- Participation in virtual skills development workshops
Level 2*: Enhanced Access
- $125 monthly / $1,500 annually
- Includes all features of level 1 plus:
- Functional capacity evaluation assessing work-related capabilities
- Personal and professional capacities evaluation
- Capacity summary review for personalized development planning
Level 3*: Premium Access
- $300 monthly / $3,600 annually
- Includes all features of levels 1 and 2 plus:
- Intensive 10-day Entrepreneurial Development Course
- Dedicated mentor based on participant’s objectives
- Assistance in developing marketing and sales strategies
- Launch Celebration event for business introduction
- Progress tracking/reporting on goals and objectives
- Monthly one-on-one sessions with a business facilitator
*Scholarships may be available. Contact DRTC for more details.
- Application Process
- Interview & Onboarding
- Capabilities Assessment
- Business Model Assessment
- Entrepreneurial Course
- Mentor/Peer Assignment
- Launch Celebration
- Progress Tracking/Reporting
- Routine Workshops
- Milestones Celebration
- One-On-Ones
DAY 1: Introduction to Business Development
DAY 2: Defining your Business Idea
DAY 3: Identifying Weakness & Areas for Improvement
DAY 4: Understanding Market & Industry Trends
DAY 5: Assessing Threats & External Factors
DAY 6: Setting Goals & Planning
DAY 7: Developing TOWS Strategies
DAY 8: Conducting a GAP Analysis
DAY 9: Making Outsourcing Decisions
DAY 10: Finalizing Plans & Review
Get Started:
DRTC Hub Inquiry
"*" indicates required fields
See why DRTC Leads when it comes to the Disability Workforce:
Become a Sponsor or Mentor
“A mentor is someone who has walked in your shoes before you took your took your first step.”
Mentors will connect with DRTC Hub participants.
“A sponsor is someone who believes in you as you are learning to believe in yourself.”
Sponsors will connect DRTC Hub with participants and the community.
This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by ARPA SLFRF awarded to Oklahoma County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
As the recipient of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLRF) for the Hub Program, DRTC has developed policies and procedures for upholding Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the execution of the ARPA SLFRF-funded project.
Under the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, entities receiving Federal funds must not deny benefits, services, or otherwise discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, age, or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity).
In accordance with these procedures, individuals may submit complaints or concerns to OKCounty_ARPA@accenture.com