2016 in review

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We worked, volunteered, played and developed lifelong friendships in 2016! Check out some of what we’ve been up to this year as we prepare to ring in 2017.

Dale Rogers Training Center (DRTC) is the oldest and largest community vocational training and employment center for people with disabilities in Oklahoma. With multiple locations in Oklahoma, DRTC trains or employs more than 1,100 people with disabilities per year. Visit us online: DRTC.org.

Shop for a Cause at DRTC Gift Shop


In 2014, Dale Rogers Training Center continues to receive recognition for its innovative programs and quality service for those with disabilities. DRTC provides these services by using the “hand up” approach by combining training with real-world production skills. You can support this effort by buying the products made here at DRTC. Our Gift Shop offers Prairie Spice gifts, Prism Place awards and trophies, DRTC themed gifts and holiday cards. You can also take advantage of the Wyman Frame Showroom located next to the Gift Shop. All sales proceeds go back to support DRTC’s mission and help its individuals blaze new trails and build their futures. You can also shop online at http://www.drtc.org/shop/. Shipping is available or you can pick up your order at the Gift Shop, located at 2501 N. Utah Ave., Oklahoma City, OK.

VISA, MasterCard, and Discover accepted.

Dale Rogers Framed!!! Taking on a New Wholesale Business.

Dale Rogers is always looking for great opportunities to offer its clients more ways to earn a paycheck and learn new skills. And when Jim and Becky Wyman knew they were ready to retire from the framing business they had built from the ground up since 1996, they were looking for a way to ensure that it would continue on in good hands… So they looked to Dale Rogers, with whom they had a relationship and shared an entrepreneurial spirit, and saw an opportunity to do something great for both the business they had created and for Oklahomans with disabilities. “We felt it imperative that we choose a new owner that would have a high degree of interest in continuing the care and understanding that we have promoted over the past fourteen years,” said Jim Wyman. “We wanted a real commitment to Wyman Frame with a desire to grow the company and have the resources to do so.”
“We already had some experience with framing,” said Jerry Weddington, administrator. “And Wyman Frame and Supply was already well-established and respected in their industry. The opportunity was too good to pass up. Our individuals already think this is a great new way to earn a paycheck.”

Currently located in Moore, DRTC’s Wyman Frame and Supply continues to focus on wholesale orders. “We may eventually relocate it at our Utah location and look into branching out into retail,” said Weddington, “But right now we’re concentrating on learning the trade and serving the existing customer base.”

Dale Rogers is blazing another new trail for people with disabilities by bringing them yet another work and training opportunity!