
This page is for those seeking admission to Vocational Services. For Employment Services please follow this link.

To enroll in a program at DRTC, information must be submitted to the Admissions Committee for review, including available psychological evaluations, assessments, and records of previous placements to assist in deciding if the applicant’s vocational training needs are consistent with the Agency’s program capabilities.

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Youths under 24

Youth with disabilities who are 24 years or younger are prohibited from working under the 14(c) certificate based on regulations under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The Vocational Services, Mobile Workforce and Community Living Engagement participants fall under these regulations.

If the person is younger than 24 years old, a letter from the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) stating the person is either ineligible for its services or has received services and the case has been closed must be included with the admissions application.

The purpose is to ensure youth with disabilities have met the following:

DRTC is unable to serve individuals who are prone to violence and/or have a current history of aggressive or violent behavior.

Individuals must meet the eligibility criteria set by the funding source.

Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) sets the entry criteria for the Vocational Services Program, Mobile Workforce and Special Needs Program.

For more information, contact the Admissions Coordinator at 405-946-4489 ext. 1504 or email

The Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) sets the entry criteria for the Transition School-to-Work and Employment Services programs.

DRTC can assist in applying to DRS for services that assist the person identify, interview for and obtain community employment through our Employment Services Program.