10 miles & $103 million apart

5/27/16 Update: SB1616 passed the Oklahoma House with a 52-45 vote.

We need your voices to speak loudly to state lawmakers who could slash critical funding for Oklahoma’s Department of Human Services (OKDHS).

Oklahoma’s lawmakers unveiled their plan for a $6.8 billion budget, with deep cuts to many agencies including the OKDHS. State Senators have already approved the bill and sent it to the House for consideration.

If SB1616 is approved, OKDHS will lose $27 million from FY16 budget, at a time it says it needs $103 million more than the current fiscal year.

Forced with difficult decisions, the Dept. of Human Services announced its plan to fall under the budgetary restrictions if lawmakers do not come up with additional funds to assist citizens in Oklahoma.

Among the agency’s plan to reduce state spending in light of the current proposed Appropriation’s bill, it would be forced to reduce or eliminate In-Home Support Waivers (IHSW) for families all across the state. This would directly impact 31 of the families—or 24%—served through Dale Rogers Training Center’s (DRTC) programs located on its main campus—just 10 miles away from the Capitol.

The IHSW provides critical services, including:

  • Transportation & assistance with Adult Day programs
  • Employment services – including services at DRTC
  • Dental & prescription coverage beyond the State Medicaid plan

Without the IHSW, individuals who use DRTC’s services (Mobile Workforce, Special Needs Program, Vocational Services Program), would no longer have the funding to continue to come to DRTC.

Slashing the IHSW could lead to individuals not being able to stay at home and receive care, and requiring costly around-the-clock skilled nursing care.

We need YOU to contact your state representative and tell him/her about the devastating consequences this Appropriations bill could have on families.

To find your state legislators, visit: www.OKLegislature.gov. Once there, enter your address and you will get a list of your federal and state officials

As one fan commented on OKDHS’ Facebook page, “The bottom line is that it’s not about numbers, it’s about people.”

Dale Rogers Training Center (DRTC) is the oldest and largest community vocational training and employment center for people with disabilities in Oklahoma. With multiple locations in Oklahoma, DRTC trains or employs more than 1,100 people with disabilities per year. Visit us online: DRTC.org